材料: (Ingredients) 中筋面粉 - 4杯 (All Propose Flour- 4 cups) 泡打粉 – 2 茶匙 (Baking Powder- 2 teaspoons) 沸水 – 2杯 (Boiling Water- 2 cups) 冷水 – 1杯 (Cold Water- 1 cups) 葱 – 5条 (Scallion- 5 stems) 盐 - 2 茶匙 (Salt- 2 teaspoons) 糖 – 1/2 茶匙 (Sugar- ½ teaspoon) 食油 – 2杯 (Oil- 2 cups) 牛油纸- (Waxed Paper)
步骤: (Directions) 1. 面粉+泡打粉与盐+糖放入搅拌缸, 搅均匀, 慢慢加入沸水, 用筷子搅拌成块状。 小心烫手 再慢慢加入冷水, 用手揉成面团,放置醒30分钟。 In a big mixing bow, mix Flour and Baking Powder well with Salt and Sugar; slowly add Boiling Water, let flour absorb water, then add cold water blend well until it turn to dough, DO NOT knead to hard; let it sit and rise 30 minutes. 2. 葱切成屑, 越细越好, 备用。 Chop Scallion very fine, put on side. 3. 牛油纸剪开6 x 6 吋ㄧ张, 需18 张, 用于隔开饼, 饼不会层层粘著, 吃不完, 可放冰箱冷藏。 Cut Waxed Paper in 6x6 inches big, need about 18 pieces, these is for separate the pancake, they won’t stick together. If cannot finish at once, it can be store in freeze for month. 4. 将面团分成16份, 每份如手球大 (直径2.5吋), 分别捍成薄皮后, 均匀涂上食油、葱屑 (约1茶匙), 卷成长筒状, 盘成螺旋形, 松弛5~10 分钟, 再捍成饼(直径5~5.5吋)。 Cut up the dough in 16 equal parts as a hand ball size about diameter 2.5 inches, roll out in as diameter 5 inches wide, blush oil evenly, add 1 teaspoon of scallion, then rolling it as a tube, then shape it as spiral, let it sit for 5~10 minutes. Then roll out in diameter 5 inches size. 5. 平底锅稍热后, 加油少许, 将餠放入, 两面煎黄, 层次分明便可。 Heat up frying pan, add oil, put the pancake, pan fry until it firm and brown. 6. 趁热吃, 可沾酱油同吃。 Serve it warm.
贴心心得: (Experience) - 面团不能揉太久, 否则饼会太实。Do not knead the dough too hard and long, it will cause the cake too chewy. It should be soft and tender. - 最好先将饼冰冻一下, 再煎。饼形比较圆整。不易变形。It is better freeze the cake before pan fry. The shape will hold nicely round, not easy destroy the shape. - 面团ㄧ定要醒, 饼才可软棉适中。按步骤顺序, 时间应可配合。Must let the dough rise enough time, the cake will finish soft and tender. If you follow the step by step, the time should be enough. - 多试验一定可成功! 祝好运! Practice more, you will be success! Good luck!