椰漿: 適量, 黃糖: 適量, 糯米: 適量, 粽葉/香蕉葉: 幾張, 椰奶: 適量
1 轉發:https://www.kawalingpinoy.com/bibingkang-malagkit/ Yield: 8 Servings INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon coconut oil or butter (1茶匙椰油或者黃油) 2 pandan leaves (2 兩片香蕉葉或者是用粽葉) 4 cups coconut milk (四杯椰奶) 2 cups glutinous rice, washed and drained (兩杯糯米) 1 cup light brown sugar (一杯黃糖) ¼ teaspoon salt (四分之一勺鹽) For the Topping(表面的糖) 2 cups coconut cream (兩杯椰漿) 1-1/2 cups dark brown sugar (一又二分之一杯黃糖) Equipment banana leaves

2Line a baking dish with banana leaves and brush leaves with melted butter or coconut oil. Set aside. Tie each pandan leaf into a knot. In a wide, non-stick pan over medium heat, combine coconut milk and pandan leaves. Bring to a simmer and cook for about 5 minutes. Remove pandan leaves.

3Add rice and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 15 to 20 minutes or until rice grains are cooked and liquid is mostly absorbed. Add sugar and salt and stir until combined. Continue to cook, stirring regularly, for about 25 to 30 minutes or until rice mixture is very thick and chewy. Transfer cooked rice into prepared baking dish and flatten evenly. Spoon coconut topping over rice and spread across the surface.

4Bake in a 350 F oven for about 15 to 25 minutes or until topping is firm. Increase temp to 375 F and continue to bake for another 10 to 20 minutes or until topping is golden. Remove from oven and allow to cool before slicing. For the Topping In a non-stick sauce pan over low heat, combine coconut cream and sugar. Cook, stirring occasionally, until very thick yet spreadable.

5懶人做法: 1.先把粽葉用熱水泡軟刷上黃油然後放到烤盤裡面 2.兩杯糯米加上椰奶用煮飯電飯煲煮,中間加入黃糖攪拌至煮熟 3.把煮好的糯米飯放入烤盤裡的粽葉上 4. 把椰漿和黃塘用慢火熬製成濃稠狀,然後淋在放好糯米飯的烤盤裡面 5. 烤箱375度左右考20分鐘到表面糖漿成稍微硬冒泡的狀態,拿出放涼就可以吃了