雞腿1隻,花菇1朵,靈芝4片,枸杞20顆,花生10顆,姜1塊,鹽1茶匙(5克) Lingzhi, Flower Mushroom and Free-range Chicken Pot Ingredients: Free-range Chicken leg 1 Flower mushroom(shiitake mushroom) 1 Lingzhi(Ganoderma lucidum) 4 slices Medlar 20 Peanut 10 Ginger 1 piece Seasoning:Salt 1 teaspoon(5g)
1、將花菇放入40度的溫水中泡軟;將雞腿洗凈後,放入冷水中大火煮開,撇去浮末,放入薑片。 2、煮5分鐘後放入洗凈的枸杞和靈芝、去皮的花生和浸泡後的花菇,繼續煮30分鐘。 3、最後放入鹽調味即可。 Directions: 1、Soak the flower mushroom in water until soft; Put the washed chicken leg into a pot with cold water, boil over high-heat then skim off the foam on the surface and add in the ginger; After 5 minutes' cook, put in the washed medlars, lingzhi slices, peeled peanuts, and the soaked flower mushroom, then keep on cooking for 30 minutes; 2、Finally, simply add some salt for seasoning. Finish
1、這道湯菜是跟大廚學的,起初我在想,這麼簡單的原料?這麼簡單的做法?有失大師風範啊。但他說,能把幾樣簡單的食材信手拈來搭配在一起,靠食物本身的芳香融合出來的味道,是一種學問。這幾樣東西的使用,是通過n多年廚藝經驗的精鍊。我啥話也不說了。 2、笨雞是放養的雞,不是那種超市賣的肉雞腿哈。你可以在菜市場找找看,一般買笨雞都需要提前和老闆預定的。 3、靈芝也是菌類的一種,在超市的乾貨貨架上有售。一袋大約18塊錢左右。除了可以用來做菜,還可以泡水喝。