1 cup water at 110F(~43.3C): 1cup約43.3度的水, 2 teaspoons active dry yeast: 2茶匙乾酵母, 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour: 2 1/2杯中粉, 1 teaspoon salt: 1茶匙鹽, 8 ounces salted butter, cool but pliable: 8oc約226.8g含鹽黃油,我自己覺得就是做可頌時捲入黃油的那個狀態,需要具體操作再確認, 1 1/2 cups sugar: 1 1/2杯糖, additional butter to grease molds: 額外黃油塗抹模具, additional sugar for rolling: 額外糖捲入
1混合水與酵母,靜置5分鐘。 加入麵粉和鹽用勺子攪拌。 將麵糰移入廚師機揉4-5分鐘至麵糰光滑,但此時麵糰仍然發粘。 如粘到粘碗就加麵粉,每次一湯匙直至麵糰光滑。反之乾的話,加水。 Combine the water and yeast in the bowl of a stand mixer and stir to dissolve. Let the yeast proof for about 5 minutes or until bubbly. Add the flour and salt and stir to combine with a wooden spoon. Using the dough hook attachment, knead the dough for 4-5 minutes or until it is smooth, but still tacky. If the dough sticks to the bowl add flour, one tablespoon at a time, until the dough is smooth. If the dough seems stiff and dry, add water one tablespoon at a time until the dough is smooth.

2用乾淨的毛巾蓋住面盆約一小時,或至2倍大。 或者,蓋保鮮膜,冰箱隔夜冷藏。 Cover the bowl with a clean towel and let it rise for one hour or until doubled in size. Alternately, let the dough rise in the refrigerator over night, covered with plastic wrap.
3麵糰發酵好後,冰箱冷藏30分鐘。如麵糰在上一部採用了冷藏發酵則省略此步驟。 (這樣做,同理可頌,為了稍後的黃油裹入時,保持黃油冷卻) After the dough has risen, put in in the refrigerator to chill for 30 minutes. This will help keep the butter cool in the following steps. This step is not necessary if the dough proofed overnight in the refrigerator.
4將麵糰趕至30.5x50.8cm大小。 將黃油鋪勻左2/3處,留下右側1/3。 Roll the dough into a roughly 12-inch by 20-inch rectangle on a well-floured surface. Gently and carefully spread the cool but pliable butter on to the left 2/3rds of the dough, leaving the right side bare.

5摺疊麵糰。先將右側摺疊覆蓋部分鋪了黃油的地方,然後將左側留下的1/3摺疊過來。 封住邊緣,避免漏出黃油。 可略撒手粉。 轉90度,再次擀成30.5x50.8cm大小。 重複如上再次三折。 將麵餅轉入撒了麵粉的盤子裡,或裹保鮮膜,冷藏45分鐘。 注意避免麵餅過冷,以致再次擀時黃油過硬穿破麵皮。 Fold the right, unbuttered side of the dough over the buttered dough, then fold the remaining 1/3 of buttered dough over to the right, like a letter. Gently press the seams of the dough to hold the butter in place. Flour the board again if necessary, rotate the dough 90 degrees, and roll it into a roughly 12-inch by 20-inch rectangle. Again, fold it into thirds like a letter. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured quarter sheet pan and place in the refrigerator for 45 minutes. Be careful to not let the dough get too cold or the butter will harden and tear the dough when you try to roll it out again.

6取出麵餅,案板撒麵粉,再次擀開至30.5x50.8cm大小。 表面撒勻3/4杯糖,再次三折。 再次擀勻,並將剩下3/4杯糖裹入,三折。 再次冷藏麵糰30分鐘。 Remove the dough from the refrigerator and transfer it to a well-floured surface and again roll it into a 12-inch by 20-inch rectangle. Sprinkle the dough with 3/4 cups of sugar and press gently (this will seem like a lot of sugar). Fold the dough into thirds, like a letter and repeat the rolling, sprinkling, and folding process with the remaining 3/4 cups sugar. Transfer the dough back to the floured quarter sheet pan and chill for 30 minutes.

7這時就可以準備給麥芬模具塗黃油啦~~ While the dough is chilling prepare the muffin tins by very generously buttering them and arranging them on parchment lined baking sheets.
8取出麵餅,放置撒了糖的案板上。 擀至20.32x60.96cm大小。 割去四邊,然後分切為12片。 Remove the dough from the refrigerator and transfer it to a surface that has been generously sprinkled with sugar. Roll the dough into a rectangle roughly 8-inches by 24-inches. Use a pastry wheel or pizza cutter to trim the folded edges to straighten and expose the layers then cut the dough into 12 even squares.

9如圖放入麥芬模具,發酵40分鐘,或隔夜冷藏後至室溫烘培。 Fold the corners of each square towards the center and tuck each square into the muffin tin or pastry ring. Let them rise until slightly puffy, 30-40 minutes. Alternately, the kouign amann can be refrigerated overnight (before rising) and baked the next day. If you'd like to take advantage of that option make sure to bring the pastries back to room temperature and rise before baking.

10預熱烤箱200度。 180度烤40-45分鐘。 不燙手後脫模。 不要不要不要冷卻後再脫呀~~ 趁熱當天享用吧~ While the kouign amann are rising, preheat the oven to 400F. Place the baking sheets into the oven and lower the temperature to 350F. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until the pastries are deep golden brown (just shy of burnt). Let cool briefly and remove the kouign amann from the muffin tins or pastry rings to a rack. Do not let them cool in the pans or they will stick and you will have a real mess on your hands. These treats are best enjoyed warm, the day that they are baked.