I LOVE this recipe. Not only is it extremely easy but it is SOOOOO good! One of my favorite meals to eat, especially on a cold night. Or even on a warm one. Doesn’t matter, this stuff is good. You can eat it by itself or with tortilla chips like my family likes. YUM!
鸡肉(切丁),西红柿(切丁),罐头玉米,黑豆,沙拉酱,孜然,辣椒粉或辣椒,洋葱粉或洋葱,奶油芝士(cream cheese)
1、除芝士以外全部ingredient放进锅,设其体积为2,则加入体积为1的水,开火煮。 2、水开后放上芝士,等芝士融了,翻一翻就可以出碟了。