圆白菜1颗(约500克) 干红辣椒6根 大蒜2瓣调料:料酒1汤匙(15ml) 米醋1汤匙(15ml) 白糖1茶匙(5克) 盐1茶匙(5克)
1)圆白菜用手掰开成大片,放入沸水中焯烫变软捞出,入冷水过凉后沥干,再用手撕成小片儿.大蒜切成末备用。 2)锅烧热后倒入油,待油5成热时放入干红辣椒和蒜末,煸出香味后倒入圆白菜片儿,淋入料酒,米醋,调入白糖和盐,翻炒均匀后即可。 超级罗嗦: 将圆白菜烫软过凉后再用手撕成小块,尽量避免蔬菜中的营养流失。手撕的圆白菜炒出来,要比用到刀切的好吃。在炒大白菜,小油菜等绿叶菜时,都可以用手撕的方法。但那种比较结实的蔬菜,就算了哈,就目前的技术手段,手撕土豆丝还算是杂技或魔术范畴。 圆白菜在这里季节,1斤1块5左右,很便宜,而且容易保存,放在保鲜袋里仍冰箱冷藏,至少能存半个月。它和土豆,胡萝卜一样,都是可保存时间比较长的蔬菜。 Savory Hand-Torn Cabbage Ingredients: Cabbage: a half Dried chili pepper: 6 Garlic: 2 pieces Seasonings: Cooking wine: 1 soup spoon (15ml) Rice vinegar: 1 soup spoon (15ml) Sugar: 1 tea spoon (5g) Salt: 1 tea spoon (5g) Directions: 1)Roughly tear the cabbage (with hands) into some relatively big pieces, and then blanch them with boiled water until the pieces soften; Cool the blanched pieces with cold water, dry, and then further tear them into small pieces; Finely chop the garlic for the next step; 2)Heat up the wok and pour some oil, add the dried chili pepper and the finely chopped garlic when the oil is quite hot (5/10 hot); When the smell comes out, add the small torn cabbage pieces, cooking wine, rice vinegar, sugar and salt, stir-fry them well for a little while; Finish.