三文鱼 Salmon: 900g/1 LB, 橄榄油 Olive oil: 1勺/ 1 tablespoon, 生抽酱油 Soy sauce: 4勺/4 tablespoons, 蒜泥 Garlic,pressed: 4瓣/4 cloves, 柠檬汁 Lemon juice: 2勺/2 tablespoons, 干辣椒碎 Chili flakes: 1/4 勺/ 1/4 tbsp
1三文鱼洗净,擦干水分。 Pat the salmon dry.

2三文鱼切成2cm*2cm的方块。 Cut each fillet into small (around 2cm*2cm) diamond shaped pieces.

31勺橄榄油,2勺柠檬汁,4勺酱油倒入容器中,4瓣大蒜压成蒜泥,搅匀做成腌制汁。 In a bowl combine olive oil, lemon juice, soy sauce and pressed garlic.

4放入切好的三文鱼,腌制15分钟。 Fold in salmon pieces and cover them evenly with the marinade. Let stand for 15 mins.
5平底锅里放一勺橄榄油,小火烧热,放入三文鱼和酱汁,小火煎2.5分钟后将三文鱼翻面,再煎2分钟后倒出装盘。 Heat olive oil in a frying pan over a medium heat.Place salmon pieces skin side down, and pour in the marinade over them. Fry on both sides, for 5mins, turning carefully onto the other side after 3 minutes.
6将锅里的酱汁浇在煎好的三文鱼块上,撒上干辣椒碎,趁热上桌。 Remove the salmon from heat, place onto serve plate, garnish each with some marinade and chili flakes. Serve hot.