1) Some seafood of your choice (少許海鮮)2) Some button mushrooms (sliced) (蘑菇切片) 3) Some sausages (sliced) (香腸切片)* 也可換成雞肉,章魚,肉碎。
醬料: , 1) 1 onion cut into small pieces (1粒大蔥切片), 2) Few cloves of garlic (minced) (幾瓣蒜蓉), 3) About 1/2 cup of fresh cream for whipping (1/2杯新鮮奶油), 4) 2 tablespoon of plain flour mixed with 5 tablespoons of water (2tbsp麵粉加5tbsp水), 5) A thin slice of butter (少許牛油), 6) 1 cup of water (一杯水), 7) herbs of your choice (rosemary, oregano etc) (西式香料如迷迭香, Oregano 等等), 8) Black pepper (黑胡椒碎),9)Some mozarella/ PARMERSANcheese if prefered (mozarella/PARMERSAN奶酪)
11) In a pan, melt the butter. Saute the onion and garlic until fragrance. Add mushroom and sausage. Add adequate water to simmer until the onion are soft. 鍋放牛油,把蒜蓉,洋蔥爆香。加蘑菇,香腸,及水。

22) Add cream, seasoning (black pepper), herbs and bring to boil. Add in the flour solution to thicken it. Add in seafood and wait until the seafood is cooked (about 2-3 minutes)。If too sticky, add in more water. If too watery, add in more flour solution 待大蔥軟後,加奶油。若很水,加麵粉水,使醬料比較濃稠。加香料,黑胡椒碎和調料。加海鮮。 海鮮熟後就算完成。

33) Best served with additional parmesan cheeses and more dried herbs of your choice. Tabasco sauce is recommended if you like it spicy hot。 上桌時,加一些香料或PARMERSAN cheeses...加西式辣椒醬也很棒。
