kg whitebait,or other small fish,anchovies, a cup self raising flour,1cup milk, pinch of sugar,2eggs,1/2 teaspoon olive: 1leek finely chopped,only white part,2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley,1tablespoons finely chpped dill,olive oil for
1Sauté the leek in a little bit of olive oil,in a medium to a low heat, for 4to5minutes.remove the head and wash the fish well,and then pat dry.mix all the ingredients for the pancakes,except the fresh herbs and the fish and put the bowl in the refrigerator got 15 minutes. Remove the batter from refrigerator and mix the fresh herbs and fish. Heat the rest of the olive oil in a pan and with a large spoon drop large chunks of the pancake mix into the oil. Don't shake or move the pan. Fry the pancake till golden on both sides approximately 2 to 3 minutes per side. With a slotted spoon remove the pancakes on to paper towels to drain.

2To prepaid the sauce, put all the ingredients except the oil in the food process bowl. Process at a low speed for a minute and then slowly add the oil till it gets incorporate into the mixture and you have a smooth paste. Serve the pancake with the sauce immediately

3Tarama: the preserved eggs of codfish, white or red, can be bought in most Mediterranean food store.

4For the Tarama sauce:100g white tarama, preserved fish roe, juice of 1 lemon,100g white bread soaked in water and squeezed dry, 4 tablespoons soda water,1 cup sunflower oil , freshly ground pepper