蛋黄霜材料Cake Ingredient: , A): , 蛋黄 egg yolks: 4, 橄榄油 Olive oil: 40g, 细砂糖 caster sugar: 20g, 鲜牛奶 Fresh milk: 50g, B): , 高筋面粉 Top flour: 75g, 玉米粉 Corn flour: 10g, 盐 Pinch of salt: 少许, 蛋白霜:-Egg White fractions: , 蛋白 Egg white: 4, 细砂糖 caster sugar: 50g, 塔塔粉 Cream of tartar: 1/4 tsp, 芒果乳酪慕斯馅材料 Mango mousse filling: , 奶油奶酪 cream cheese: 150g, 芒果 (果泥分两份,250g作 个乳酪慕斯馅材料, 150g留作镜面): 450g, Mango (250g as a filling , 150g reserved for Mango puree topping): , 牛奶 Fresh Milk: 30g, 细砂糖 caster sugar: 15g, 吉利丁 (冰水泡软 10分钟) Gelatine ( sock with ice water for 10 minutes till soft): 1.5片/ slice, 朗姆酒 (可选) Rum ( optional ): 1 – 2 tsp, 芒果慕斯馅材料: Mango mousse filling: , 奶油 butter: 120g, 淡糖粉 Light icing sugar: 15g, 芒果肉块 (可选) Mango cut into cube (optional): , 芒果汁镜面 Mango puree topping:: , 芒果(请看慕斯馅材料) Mango (Please Mango mousse filling: , 吉利丁 gelatine: 3/4片 ¾ piece, 朗姆酒(可选) Rum (optional): 1 tsp
1蛋糕做法: 1)混合蛋黄,糖和油,直到蓬松,添加鲜牛奶中和使用中速搅拌至完全结合为止然后加B材料搅拌均匀,搁旁待用。把蛋白和塔塔粉和糖用搅拌机打至湿性发泡。 Cake method 1. Beat egg yolks with sugar and oil until the colour lightens and turns slightly pale, add the fresh milk and use medium speed to mix until well combined., Sift the flours and fold into the egg yolk mixture slowly. Mix well put aside. Whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar until foamy. Gradually add in sugar and continue to to whisk until fluffy and soft peaks form.。
22)1/3分次而且轻轻把蛋白和蛋黄霜混合均匀,倒入一个6寸圆 / 方形模内。 2. Fold 1/3 of the egg white batter into the egg yolk batter. Gently fold in the rest of the egg whites without deflating the batter pour into a 6 inch round / square baking tin,give it a couple firm taps on the table to release large air bubbles。
33)放入预热烤箱,以150-160度,烤约45-50分钟。** 烤箱热度只供于参考**) 3. Put into the preheated oven to 150-160 degrees and bake it for 45 to 50 mins or until a skewer comes out clean.
44)烘烤后,立刻取出倒扣,待完全凉后才脱模切成两片 4) Once baked, remove cake from the pan and leave to cool on wire rack. Trim and slice cake to 2 even layers thick each.
5慕斯馅做法 1、芒果去皮取肉,大部分放入搅拌机内打成果泥,留出部分的果肉(*),切肉块 。 Mango mousse filling method 1. Peeled and take the mango meat and blend it become puree, keep some to cut into mango cube *
62、奶油奶酪加入10g牛奶,细砂糖,打至顺滑 2 , Add cream cheese, 10g of milk and granulated sugar to blend until smooth
73、加入芒果泥,充份搅拌均匀,再加入少许芒果肉块,拌匀成为芒果芝士糊备用。 3, Add 250g mango puree and mix evenly, then add mango pieces, put aside as mango mixture.
84、泡好的吉利丁捞出挤干水分,放入剩下的20克牛奶里,隔水加热至吉利丁融化。放凉后倒入朗姆酒。 4 , In a small bowl, dissolve gelatine sheets in cold water. When the gelatine is fully dissolved, add the remaining 20 g of milk, use double boil method to make gelatine is totally melt and leave it cool. Add rum to the mixture. Mix well.
95、将步骤4倒入步骤3的芒果芝士糊里,搅拌均匀。这时会比较稀,放入冰箱冷藏至浓稠。 5, The ingredient (Step 4) pour in mango mixture (step 3), stir well. At this point it would be more dilute, refrigerate to chill.
106、淡奶油加糖粉,用电动打蛋器低速搅打,打发至6成发即可 6 In a mixing bowl, whip whipping cream with icing sugar to mousse state.
117、打发好的淡奶油加入步骤6的芒果芝士糊里,搅拌均匀。 7. Add the mango mixture (step 6) to whipped cream. Mix well till incorporated.
128、放入一片烤好的蛋糕片做慕斯的底, 将拌好的芒果芝士慕斯馅,倒入底部有蛋糕片的模具内,再放入一片蛋糕片,然后倒入剩下的芒果芝士慕斯馅,轻晃使芝士糊平坦,放入冰箱冷藏4小时或隔夜 。 8 , Put first layer of cake into removable base or spring form tin and pour the mango mousse on first layer of cake. Lay another cake layer and pour the remaining mousse. Let the cake chill for at least 4 hours to set.
13D)芒果汁镜面做法: 1、吉利丁3/4片加少量冰水泡软后放进150g芒果泥,隔水溶化成液态。加入朗姆酒(可选)在芒果泥里,拌匀。 Mango puree topping Method: 1) In a small bowl, dissolve ¾ piece of gelatine in ice water. When the gelatine is fully dissolved, add to 150g of mango puree. Add 1 tsp of rum (optional) to the mixture. Mix well.
142、将步骤1倒入模具内,再次放入冰箱,冷藏约1小时。 使用一把小刀延著冷藏好的慕斯边缘划一圈即可脱模,将整个蛋糕连底一起小心移出 2) Pour mango puree (step 1)topping on top of the set mousse carefully. Let the cake chill for at least 1 hour to set before removing the cake ring. Done!