基本甜餅乾plain sweet biscuits (such as Arnott's Nice): 250g克, 無鹽黃油(融化)unsalted butter, melted: 125g克, 奶油芝士(室溫)cream cheese, at room temperature: 750g克, 砂糖caster sugar: 215g克, 香草精vanilla extract: 1/2tsp茶匙, 檸檬皮(磨碎)finely grated lemon rind: 2tsp茶匙, 麵粉plain flour: 2tbs匙, 雞蛋eggs: 4個, 酸奶油sour cream: 300ml毫升, 覆盆子(新鮮或冷凍)fresh or frozen raspberries: 120g克
1烤箱預熱至160 ℃。在23厘米彈簧烤盤底部鋪上烘焙紙 Preheat oven to 160°C. Line the base of a 23cm (base measurement) springform pan with non-stick baking paper.

2用食品加工機研磨餅乾直到粉碎, 加入黃油混勻, 再倒入鋪好的彈簧烤盤, 用直邊玻璃杯按壓餅乾粉, 使其牢牢貼在烤盤底部和側面, 保留1厘米高度在烤盤的頂部, 用保鮮膜覆蓋, 放冰箱冷卻30分鐘 Place the biscuits in the bowl of a food processor and process until finely crushed. Add the butter and process until well combined. Transfer to the lined pan. Use a straight-sided glass to spread and press the biscuit mixture firmly over the base and side of pan, leaving 1cm at the top of the pan. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 30 minutes to chill.

3同時,在一個大碗里用電動攪拌器混合攪拌奶油芝士, 砂糖,香草精, 檸檬皮, 加入麵粉結合, 然後一次一個打蛋, 每打一個後攪拌結合, 再拌入酸奶油Meanwhile, use an electric beater to beat the cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and lemon rind in a large bowl until just combined. Beat in the flour. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition until combined. Stir in the sour cream until just combined.

4將混勻的芝士倒入餅乾襯底的烤盤, 再將這個圓烤盤放在一個平底烤盤上, 烘烤1.25 -1.5 小時或直至蛋糕中心固化, 關掉烤箱, 虛掩烤箱門, 2小時後芝士蛋糕完全冷卻(防止蛋糕開裂), 取出蛋糕放冰箱冷卻4小時 Pour the cream cheese mixture into the base. Place the pan on a baking tray and bake for 1 1/4-1 1/2 hours or until just set in the centre. Turn oven off. Leave the cheesecake in oven, with the door ajar, for 2 hours or until cooled completely (this will prevent cheesecake from cracking). Place in the fridge for 4 hours to chill.

5用覆盆子裝飾, 切塊 Top the cheesecake with the raspberries. Cut into wedges to serve.
