今天上完瑜伽課後,把剩餘的西冷牛排用酥皮方式煎了,做為明天早上配白粥吃的配菜。酥皮牛排的做法有區別,就是把胡椒粒磨的粗點,然後沾滿,用平底鍋和油中火煎。這樣就能煎出酥皮的效果。 After my Yoga session today, I decided to fry the remaining sirloin steak I had in the fridge to complement the porridge for breakfast tomorrow. The crispy layer is created from coating the steak with lots of coarsely ground black pepper and frying it with oil, which is slightly different from simply grilling it in a grill pan
牛排 steak 1塊 1piece, 現磨粗黑胡椒 coarsely ground black pepper 儘量多點 plenty, 鹽 salt 少許 appropriate amount
1用托盤把黑椒和少許鹽磨好拌勻,把牛排所有的邊都沾滿 Coarsely grind lots of black pepper and add an appropriate amount of salt for seasoning. Mix well and coat steak on all sides with this rub

2鍋里加菜油,中火燒熱後 Add vegetable oil and preheat on medium heat

3把沾滿黑椒的牛排放入鍋內,中火煎兩分鐘 Place steak (fully coated with black pepper and salt) into pan. Fry in oil for 2 minutes

4翻面再煎兩分鐘 Flip and fry the other side for two minutes

5每邊再煎四十五秒 Fry the other sides, each side for 45 seconds

6把牛排放在盤裡,包錫紙,蓋上五分鐘 Rest the steak in a plate, covered with aluminium foil for 5 minutes

7把牛排切片 Cut the steak into slices

8擺放在盤裡便能上桌 Plate and serve

如果要做酥皮,就要沾多點黑椒,讓黑椒通過油煎,形成一層黑椒皮。把打磨器調到最粗的顆粒,效果會比較好。牛排跟其它做法一樣,需要室溫下煎,才能外酥內嫩。 If you want to create a crispy skin, be generous with the black pepper and allow oil to fry to create a nice crust. Also, set your black pepper mill at coarse setting for rustic results. Like cooking all steaks, ensure that the steak is at room temperature so that the skin will cook through, with a nice crust and a pink centre