中筋面粉: 500克, 泡打粉: 2茶匙, 细砂糖: 3汤匙, 黄油: 110克, 柠檬皮: , 冷牛奶: 300毫升, 覆盆子: 150克, 鸡蛋: 1个
11.低筋面粉、细砂糖、泡打粉放入搅拌机。快速搅打10-15秒混合均匀。 Add plain flour, caster sugar, baking powder in food processor. Mix 10-15 seconds.

2刮一个柠檬的皮,记得只要黄色的部分,白色部分会比较苦。 Zest a lemon.Make sure to only zest the yellow part of the lemon skin.The white part of the lemon leaves a bitter aftertaste.

3从冰箱取出无盐牛油切丁。 Use cold butter straight from the fridge, chopped into cubes.

4将柠檬皮和牛油都加入搅拌机内。 Add lemon zest and diced butter to food processor.

5搅拌均匀。 Pulse until it starts to form pea sized crumbs.

6加入蔓越莓,并搅拌均匀。 Remove dough from food processor and gently fold the berries into the flour mixture.

7中间挖个井,倒入牛奶,用叉子轻轻就搅拌一下,搅拌至无干粉状态。 Add milk to the flour mixture and stir till just combined; do not over mix.

8将面团包上保鲜膜就可以放到冰箱冷藏30分钟。 Wrap in clingfilm and and place in your refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

930分钟后,桌上撒上面粉,拿出面团。 Turn the mixture out onto a lightly floured surface.

10把一些蔓越莓压在面团表面。 Press raspberries in the surface.

11用手或者擀面杖把面团擀成2.5cm厚。 Pat out until it is about 2.5cm in thick.

12用圆形模具压出形状。 Cut into rounds with a large round cutter.

13把切割好的圆饼放入烤盘里,表面刷上蛋液。 Place on a baking sheet; brush the tops with egg wash.

14预热烤箱200度,烘焙12到15分钟或表面金黄即可。 Bake for 12 – 15 minutes or until the tops are golden brown.

- 奶油从冰箱取出后,要立即切碎并与面粉混合,不可以用回温过久的奶油喔! 2.倒入牛奶后,用叉子搅拌的时候,一定要轻,少量搅拌,不要过度搅拌,以免面粉上劲。 3.揉面团的时候也要轻,不用揉到表面光滑,只要都揉到一起就可以了 4.把面团放入冰箱冷藏30分钟,是让泡打粉更好的发挥作用,到时候烤出来的司康饼就会很酥松