材料A, 3汤匙 有机即食燕麦 (3 tbsp organic instant baby oat), 1汤匙 奇异籽 (1 tbsp chia seeds), 135g 原味优格-1罐 (135g original flavored yoghurt - 135g), 适量 牛奶 (Some milk), , 材料B, 5个 新鲜龙珠果-切小 (1 nos dragon fruit - diced), 少许 玉米脆片 (Some cornflakes), , 步骤, 1. 把材料A放入一个干净的玻璃瓶,用优格附送的汤匙搅拌均匀,盖上盖,放入冰箱冷藏至, 隔夜。, Put ingredients A into a clean and dry glass container, use the yogurt spoon to stir and, mix well all the ingredients, cover with lid, put into the refrigerator overnight., , 2. 当要食用时,取出,加入材料B,即可。, When you serve the overnight oat, add in ingredients B, that's all.