碩莪其實是一種棕櫚樹(圖一),剖開其樹幹後把樹幹體內的纖維碾碎後,再把纖維中的澱粉洗出,沉澱,曬乾。然後把碩莪澱粉再加工製成細小顆粒的丸子Sago,又被稱為西米(圖3)。 用這小小顆狀樣似小珍珠的西米蒸製出來的椰絲西米糕一直是我家小兒子的最愛甜品。它那晶瑩剔透及充滿玫瑰香的珍珠糕體,Q軟的口感再配上香糯多汁的新鮮嫩椰絲,是南洋一道色香味俱全,令人一嘗之後欲罷不能的甜品之一。。。。
糕體: 500 ml 水/water 120 g 小西米/pearl sago 100 g 砂糖/white sugar ¼ 茶匙/tsp 食用玫瑰香精/rose essence ¼ 茶匙/tsp 食用紅色素/red colouring 1 湯匙/Tbsp 水/water 蘸料層/coating: 1 杯/cup 新鮮嫩椰絲(刨取椰絲時注意不要刨到椰殼的黑色部分)/grated coconut (white part only) ¼ 茶匙/tsp 細鹽/fine salt
- 煮開500ml水,倒入干西米後轉慢火,一邊煮一邊攪拌10分鐘或直至西米轉半透明(有的西米中心還會有小白點, 那是沒問題的),熄火,把鍋子蓋緊密燜10 至15分鐘。Measure the water into a medium-size saucepan and bring to the boil. Stir in dry sago pearls and cook over low heat, stirring until the sago is nearly transparent(some sago still having little white spot, which is fine), about 10 minutes. Cover the pan with a tight-fitting lid and set aside undisturbed for another 10 to 15 minutes. 2. 在燜的同時,在個小容器內混合玫瑰香精,紅色素及1湯匙水備用。Meanwhile, combine rose essence, colouring and water in a small cup. Set aside. 3. 打開鍋蓋, 倒入砂糖後開火再次把西米糊煮開,不停攪拌至糖充分溶解, 然後拌入先前準備好的玫瑰香精料,攪拌均勻後離火。 Uncover the pan, stir in sugar and turn heat back on to bring the mixture to the boil once more (to ensure the sugar dissolves). Stir in the colouring/rose essence mixture. Take the pan off the heat. 4. 把一個20cm見方的容器用冷開水濕潤一下(避免西米糕沾粘容器),然後把西米糊倒入容器內,靜置待其凝固後切成鑽型塊狀。Rinse a shallow 20-cm dish/container with water to prevent the sago from sticking to the dish. Transfer the cooked sago into it. Keep aside to cool and set. Cut into squares or diamond shapes. 5. 在個淺盤內混合椰絲及細鹽,把切好的西米糕在椰絲內滾一滾讓糕體均勻的蘸上一層雪白的椰絲後即可享用。 Combine the grated coconut and salt on a plate. Before serving, roll sago cakes in this until well coated.
1。 西米有分大小兩種,製作西米糕一定要選用小西米。 2。 不要使用人工色素及香精的廚友可以使用鮮榨的斑蘭葉汁(香草葉)。把兩條香草葉剪碎後用少量水攪拌過濾後加入西米糊內煮開即可。也可以用石臼來舂爛斑蘭葉後加水榨取斑蘭汁。 3。因為斑蘭用多了會苦,想要糕體呈現碧綠色效果的廚友可以多加一些菠菜葉或樹仔菜葉一起打爛取汁來用。