主料:, 1) 去骨雞胸肉 230g, 2) 油 2tsp, 3) 蒜頭 2瓣(切碎), 4) 橙汁醬, 麵粉煳, 1) 雞蛋 1粒, 2) 麵粉 1/4杯, 3) 玉蜀黍粉 2Tbsp, 4) 發粉 1/2tsp, 5) 冰水 1/4杯, 6) 油 1/2Tbsp, 7) 鹽 適量, 橙汁醬:, 1) 橙汁 1/4杯, 2) 橙皮削 1/2tsp, 3) 辣椒醬 1Tbsp, 4) 上湯/水 3Tbsp, 5) 醬油 1Tbsp, 6) 糖 5 tsp, 7) 蘋果醋/白醋 1tsp, 8) 米酒 2tsp, 9) 玉蜀黍粉 1tsp, , , Ingredients:, 1) 8 oz boneless chicken breast, cut into bite-sized cubes, 2) 2 teaspoons cooking oil, 3) 2 cloves garlic, minced, 4) Orange Sauce, Frying Batter: , 1) 1 egg , 2) 1/4 cup all-purpose flour, sifted, 3) 2 tablespoon cornstarch, 4) 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, 5) 1/4 cup water, ice cold, 6) 1/2 tablespoon cooking oil, 7) Dash of salt, Orange Sauce: , 1) 1/4 cup orange juice, 2) 1/2 teaspoon orange zest, 3) 1 tablespoon chilli sauce, 4) 3 tablespoons chicken broth, or water, 5) 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 6) 5 teaspoons sugar, 7) 1 teaspoon Apple cider vinegar, red wine or Chinese white vinegar, 8) 2 teaspoons Chinese rice wine or dry sherry, optional, 9) 1 teaspoon corn starch
1做法: 1) 把全部橙汁醬的材料混合。 2) 然後準備麵粉煳, 把雞蛋打均過後, 加入其它麵粉煳的材料, 混合均勻。 把雞肉塊放入, 備用。 3) 熱鍋內放入油。 放入雞肉塊, 炸至雞肉熟透, 取出。 4) 平底鍋放入2tsp油, 把蒜頭碎炒香。 加入橙汁醬, 慢慢加熱。 如果太濃的話, 可以加少許水, 如果太稀, 可以加入粟粉。 最後加入雞塊, 拌勻即可。

2Methods: 1) In a bowl, mix in all the Orange Sauce ingredients. Set aside. Make the Frying Batter. In a large bowl, whisk eggs and mix in the rest of the Frying Batter ingredients until batter is smooth. Drop in the chicken cubes, mix well, and set aside. 2) Heat up a wok with deep-frying oil. Gently drop in the battered chicken cubes, one by one, making sure it is spread out to prevent sticking and over crowding the wok. Deep-fry until color changes to golden brown and completely cooked. Dish out and drain on paper towels. 3) Heat up wok over medium-high heat with 2 teaspoons of cooking oil. Stir-fry the garlic until fragrant. Gently pour in the Orange Sauce mixture, stir, and bring it to a light simmer. You may adjust additional seasoning to taste, ie. water (if sauce is too thick, cornstarch solution to thicken sauce), salt, sugar, chili sauce, etc. Toss in the deep-fried chicken, stir well until sauces all absorbed and lightly thickened up. Dish out and ready to serve with hot steamed white rice. Garnish with chopped scallions and sesame.