水芹500克 腊肉1块 剁椒1汤匙(15克) 蚝油1汤匙(15ml)
1)将水芹的叶子摘去,将头部切掉清洗干净后切成4厘米长的段。腊肉切成薄片; 2)锅烧热后倒入油,待油5成热时倒入腊肉,煸炒至腊肉的肥肉部分变得透明,并且腊肉片变得卷曲,捞出后备用; 3)锅中留底油,放入剁椒炒香后倒入水芹炒15秒后倒入腊肉,调入蚝油翻炒均匀即可。 超级�嗦: 腊肉在做菜前,要提前蒸半个小时除去咸味,也能使口感变软。 市场有几种芹菜,我们来分辨一下。从个头大小看来,身材最纤细的是水芹,也是味道最浓的芹菜。身材中等的是香芹,市场上最普遍的一种芹菜,价格也适中。芹菜中的大块头是西芹,价格也比水芹和香芹贵很多,但营养价值都是相同的。 **蚝油是个好东西,由于对一些刚入厨房,不太会做饭的新手小煮妇来说,一般来说在你做菜的时候,只要用上一些蚝油,菜的口味肯定不会差。但要记得蚝油有一定的咸度,要酌量放盐哈。如果喜欢辣口味,再放一些剁椒,那么新新小煮妇的手艺一定让大家刮目相看哈,厨房的投机取巧其实很简单! Stir-Fried Chopped Chili Pepper, Preserved Pork and Chinese Celery Ingredients: Chinese celery: 500g Preserved pork: 1 piece Seasonings: Chopped chili pepper: 1 soupspoon (15g) Oyster sauce: 1 soupspoon (15ml) Directions: 1)Trim the leaves and cut the top of the Chinese celery then wash thoroughly and chop into 4cm length segments; Thinly slice the preserved pork; 2)Heat up a wok and pour some oil, when the oil reaches medium (5/10) heat add in the preserved pork slices, stir-fry for a while, take out until the fat turns to transparent and the slices become curly; 3)Keep the rest oil, put in the chopped chili pepper, stir-fry until the smell comes out; Add in the Chinese celery and stir-fry for 15 seconds, then add the preserved pork slices, finally season with a little oyster sauce and mix well. Finish