large peeled,deveined tail-on shrimp: 1 lb, spinach: 10oz, oyster sauce: 1 tbsp, sesame oil: 1 tbsp, cloves garlic chopped: 2, sesame seeds: 1 tsp
1In skillet, cook shrimp in oyster sauce and oil over hight, stirring, 3-4 minutes.

2Add garlic, then spinach; toss just to wilt, about 5 minutes.

3Season; top with sesame seeds.

翻译: 1. 在煎锅中加入蚝油和芝麻油各一大羹匙,油热后放入一磅(500g)的去壳虾,并不断翻炒大概3-4分钟。 2. 放入蒜末,之后立刻加入10oz(大概285g)的小菠菜,翻炒,直到小菠菜脱水发蔫。(整个步骤二大概耗时五分钟) 3. 装盘并趁热洒上芝麻。