牛蒡 burdock: 半根 half, 醬油 soy sauce: 適量 1 tsp, 鹽 salt: 適量 1tsp, 烏江蘿蔔乾 radish pickles: 一包 1 pack, 蔥花 spring onion: 切碎 finely chopped, 干辣椒 dried chilli: 切碎 finely chopped
1牛蒡過熱水或上鍋蒸一下切絲,蘿蔔乾、蔥花、干辣椒都切碎待用。 Boil or steam your burdock drained and chopped into slices. Finely chopped your pickles, spring onion and dried chilli.

2熱鍋,橄欖油煸炒蘿蔔乾、蔥花,干辣椒。 Sauté radishes, spring onion and dried chili with olive oil in the pan.

3加入牛蒡絲,翻炒至上色,加入醬油、鹽和少許水,關蓋燜煮至收汁。 Get the burdocks in. When your burdock is covered with golden color pour the mixture of soy sauce and water. It's enough when the liquid is just cover the ingredients.

4撒上亞麻籽,裝盤完成! Top with some flax seeds and you are done!