藜麥 Quinoa: 30G, 南瓜 Pumkin: 200G, 蝦 Shrimp: 5隻/Piece, 生菜 Lettuce: 半顆/half, 椰子油 Cocoanut Oil: 2勺/2 table spoon, 鹽 Salt: 少許, 黑胡椒 Black Pepper: 少許/a pinch
1準備材料 Prepare the materials 洗凈生菜 Wash the lettuce 燒開水,加入料酒,一點鹽,煮蝦仁 After boiling the water, put a pinch of salt, and then put the shrimp into the boiled water. When it's done, pick it up and let them cool down.

2南瓜削皮,切厚片,拿一個大碗,放入切好的南瓜片,加入一勺椰子油和少許鹽,混合均勻 Peel the pumkin and slice the pumkin thickly. Take a bowl, put the pumkin inside and add a table spoon of cocoanut oil and pinch of salt and black pepper, mix the ingredients.

3提前預熱鑄鐵烤鍋,放入南瓜煎烤至出現漂亮的燒烤紋路 Preheat the cast-iron grill pan and grill the pumkin

4藜麥加水,煮15分鐘 Put the Quinoa into the pot, add half liter of water and boil it for 15 mins.

5將所有食材放涼後放入沙拉盤,加入一勺椰子油,少許鹽和黑胡椒,攪拌均勻 After cooling down the food, put them into a big salad mixing bowl. Adding 1 table spoon of coconaunt oil , a pinch of salt and black peper. And give it a good mx

6裝盤~開吃~聽說蘇打水和沙拉更配哦~ Place them in a plate you like, Bon Appétit. I personally prefer spakling water with my salad, how about you?

在這裡我用到了鑄鐵烤鍋烤南瓜,如果沒有的話也可以用烤箱代替。烤箱預熱180度,烤20-30分鐘,請根據自家烤箱的脾氣判斷實際時間 In this recipe I used cast-iron grill pan to grill the pumkin, if you don't have it, you can also use the oven as the alternative. Preheat the oven into 180°C/ 356℉, grill the pumkin for 20-30 mins.