材料:, 1) 馬鈴薯 4個, 2) 青瓜 少許, 3) 香腸 少許, 4) 火腿 少許, 5) cheddar cheese 120g, 調味料:, 1) 番茄醬 3湯匙, 2) 義大利香草 少許, 3) 鹽 少許, 4) 胡椒粉 少許, 5) Mayonnaise 1湯匙, , Ingredient, 1) Potatoes 4, 2) cucumber , 3) sausage, 4) Ham, 5) cheddar cheese 120g, Seasonings, 1) Tomato paste 3 tablespoons , 2) Italy Herbs, 3) Pinch of salt, 4) Pepper, 5) Mayonnaise 1 tablespoon
1做法: 1) 馬鈴薯先蒸熟, 壓碎加入Mayonnaise, 胡椒粉, 鹽少許調味 2) 番茄醬加上義大利香草攪拌均勻 3) 一定要用活動模, 在活動模塗上油, 把薯泥均勻壓好在模具上, 用叉子叉些洞. 4) 塗上番茄醬, 排上材料, 最後撒上cheddar cheese 5) 250度烤8-10 分鐘, 請記得參考自己的烤箱溫度哦. 6) 脫邊模後再烤8分鐘。

2How to cook. 1) First steamed potatoes, crushed and mix with Mayonnaise, pepper, salt. 2) tomato sauce mix with Italy herb and stir well 3) Prepare a movable mold, mold coated with oil and mashed potatoes evenly on the mold, and use fork make some holes 4) put the ketchup, sausage and ham and at the end sprinkle with cheddar cheese 5) 250 degrees bake for 8-10 minutes, please refer your oven temperature. 6) Take out the mold n continue bake for 8 minute.