大白菜叶6片 韭菜6根 鸡蛋2个 虾肉100克 胡萝卜一根 姜1小块 藏红花一点点 盐1茶匙(5克) 味精1/4茶匙(1克) 香油1/2茶匙(3ml)水淀粉2汤匙(30ml)
1)将胡萝卜去皮切成细丝。3根韭菜剁碎。虾肉剁碎。姜去皮切成碎末。将这4样原料放在碗中。藏红花用温水浸泡20分钟。 2)锅中倒入水,大火煮开后放入洗净的白菜叶焯烫变软,沥干水分备用。剩余的3根韭菜放入焯烫变软后备用。 3)平底锅中倒入油,待油7成热时,放入胡萝卜丝,韭菜碎,虾肉碎和姜末炒2分钟后调入1/2茶匙盐,味精和香油盛出备用。 4)平底锅再倒入油,待油8成热时,倒入打好的蛋液,摊成鸡蛋饼后拿出切成细丝。和(3)混合。 5)用焯烫好的白菜叶将内陷包裹起来,并用韭菜系起来封口。放入蒸锅中,继续蒸5分钟。 6)趁著蒸制的过程,将锅中倒入少许高汤(没有的话,用清水替代),将泡藏红花的水倒入锅中,调入另外1/2茶匙盐,煮开后,淋入水淀粉。 7)将白菜包摆入盘中,淋上汤汁即可。 超级�嗦: 为了使白菜包做出来好看,最好在市场上选择叶子是绿色,而非白色的白菜,否则成品的卖相不好。 藏红花也叫番红花或西红花,是一种非常名贵的药材,有活血化瘀,治疗头痛、牙痛,养神、美容、解毒、降压等功效。可入药,也可入菜,除了有种独特的香味之外,还可以给菜品调色,但用量别太多。 Prawn Filled Jade Wrap Ingredients: Leaf of the Chinese cabbage: 6 Chinese chive: 6 leaves Egg: 2 Peeled prawn: 100g Carrot: 1 Ginger: 1 small piece Saffron: a little Seasonings: Salt: 1 teaspoon(5g) Monosodium glutamate(MSG): 1/4 teaspoon(1g) Sesame oil: 1/2 teaspoon(3ml) Liquid starch(mixed starch and cold water): 2 soupspoon(30ml) Directions: 1)Peel and finely shred the carrot, finely chop the 3 leaves of Chinese chive and the peeled prawn, peel and finely chop the ginger, soak the saffron in warm water for 20 minutes; 2)Pour some water into a saucepan, boil the water over high-heat, when boling, put in the washed Chinese cabbage leaves, blanch them unitil soft then take out and dry. Also blanch the rest 3 leaves of Chinese chive until soft; 3)Pour some oil into a pan, when the oil is 7/10 hot, add in the shredded carrot, chopped Chinese chive, prawn, and ginger, stir-fry for 2 minutes and then sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon salt, MSG, and sesame oil, take out this mix from the pan; 4)Again, pour some oil into the pan, when the oil is 8/10 hot, pour in the beaten egg to make an omelet, then take out, finely shred, and add into the stir-fried mix in the step 3). so far, the filling is ready; 5)Wrap the filling with the blanched Chinese cabbage leaves and tie up with the Chinese chives; Put them into a steam cooker, steam for 5 minutes; 6)Meanwhile, pour some soup-stock or water into a pan, add in the water that soaked the saffron and the rest 1/2 teaspoon salt. After boiling, pour in the liquid starch; 7)Place the steamed wraps into a plate and finally evenly splash the seasoning soup(made in the step 6). Finish