【KK】煎年糕配秋季蔬菜 Asian Fall Vegetables with Sticky Rice


萝卜: , 姜: , 青葱: , 辣椒酱: , 米醋: , 海盐: , 豆腐: , 酱油: , 柠檬: , 糖浆: , 香油: , 糯米: , 柠檬草: , 蔬菜高汤: , 薄荷: , 蒜: , 香菇: , 红薯: , 香菜: , 胡萝卜: , 菠菜: , 萝卜苗:




3130g糯米煮熟,整成若干长方形小块,用香油煎至金黄 1根柠檬草加1大勺酱油放50ml蔬菜高汤中煮一会儿,离火放入5个去皮切半的小红洋葱焖熟 1枝薄荷切碎、1小瓣蒜切碎、1颗柠檬取皮屑,和10朵香菇一起拌匀,用适量香油煸炒,最后加酱油和辣椒酱调味




  • 芒果糯米饭 sticky rice
  • 芒果糯米饭 Mango Sticky Rice
  • 芒果糯米饭(Mango Sticky Rice)
  • 四美咖喱拌饭(Curried Rice with Assorted Vegetables)
  • 蔬菜高汤(Vegetable Stock)
  • 什蔬豆腐煲仔饭(Claypot Rice with Tofu and Vegetables)
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  • 三种糯米点心 Three Types of Sticky Rice
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  • 荞麦糙米菜饭(Vegetable Buckwheat and Brown Rice)
  • 咖喱蔬菜面 (Noodle in Curry Soup with Vegetables and Tofu)
  • 咖喱蔬菜面 (Noodle in Curry Soup with Vegetables and Tofu)
  • Jamaican Lamb/Goat Curry with Coconut Rice 牙买加咖喱配椰子饭
  • 萝卜味噌年糕汤(Scalded Glutinous Rice Cake with Miso Soup)
  • 黄芥末籽战斧牛排配烤蔬菜.Yellow mustard seed tomahawk steak with roasted vegetables.
  • Fall drink-chai tea
  • 煎年糕
  • 煎年糕
  • 煎年糕
  • 煎年糕
  • 煎年糕
  • 煎年糕
  • 煎年糕
  • 煎年糕.
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  • Vegetable Gyudon
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  • 香煎鸭腿配蔬菜们
  • 田园意面(纯素)(Pasta with Assorted Vegetables)
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  • Vegetable noodle soup 美式蔬菜鸡汤
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