Pizza, Thin Crust


Flour, strong baker's: 300g, Flour, semolina: 105g, Water: 266g, Malt powder: 3g, Instant yeast: 1.7g, Salt: 10g


1Combine both flours, water, yeast and malt powder. Mix for 3 minutes on 1st speed. Allow to rest 20 minutes.

2Add preferment and salt, mix for 3 minutes on 1st speed. Increase to 2nd speed for 7 minutes.

3Remove and round up.

4Allow to rest for 30 minutes, then divide into 4x200g (depends yourself)

5Round up and brush lightly with olive oil. Leave to rest in the refrigerator overnight.

6Stretch dough as thinly as possible, garnish and bake at 300°C, 2-3 minutes or until crisp and brown on the bottom.


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