Easy Banana Brownie


Dark Chocolate(50%+): 100g~120g, Butter: 80g, Full Egg: 2, Banana: 1, Cake Flour: 50g~60g, Baking Powder: 5g, CocoaPowder~Optional: 5g~10g, Sugar: As much as you like


1put the butter and chocolate together and melt them till they become liquid

2put the the beaten eggs into "1"

3Use the dressing sieve to put those flour and powder into "2" within several times, make sure they melt well into "2"

4slice the banana and put them into "3", better keep the banana stay into it,not on top of it

5pre-heat the oven to 180℃,and then put "4" into the oven and keep it heated in the temperature of 180℃ for 25mins

6after that continue heating in the temperature of 150℃ for another 15mins

7All Done


Don't use too much flour if you want it to be soft enough


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