Basic risotto


Chicken or vege stock: 1.5 quarts, Butter: 3-4 tablespoons, Large shallot, finely chopped: 1, Onion, finely chopped: 0.5, Risotto rice: 3 cups, Dry white wine: 5 ounces, Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper: , Freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano (cheese):


1Bring the stock to a simmer in a large saucepan and keep it simmering gently Whithorn easy reach.

2In a separate, medium-sized Dutch oven, melt 2 tablespoons of the butter over medium heat. Add the shallot and onion and cook gently for about 5 minutes, until they are soft and translucent. Add the rice and stir to combine it with the butter, shallot, and onion, coating and toasting each grain thoroughly. Cook for 2 minutes more, then add the wine, stirring it into the rice. Keep stirring until the wine has been almost completely absorbed.

3Now add the first ladle of stock- enough to just cover the rice — and season with salt, then reduce the heat a little. Keep stirring often so that the rice doesn't stick. (Note: You don't want the heat too high, where it becomes gummy. )

4Keep adding the stock as the rice absorbs it, a ladle at a time and then in decreasing quantities, until the rice is cooked, stirring gently and continuously throughout. It should take about 20 minutes, sometimes a little longer, depending on the rice. When it's done, the rice grains should be al dente and the risotto itself should have a creamy, giving texture. It should not be wet.

5Remove the risotto from the heat and season with salt and pepper. Then add the remaining 1 to 2 tablespoons butter and the parmigiano and stir well to combine.


  1. To precook a risotto, follow the recipe exactly as above, but stop cooking after you've been adding the stock for 10 to 13 minutes. Spread the rice out in a marble slab or a baking sheet. Set it aside to cool or refrigerate it. When you're ready to cook it, bring the stock. Ack to the simmer, return the rice to its pan, and cook as above until it reaches the light consistency. 2. I prefer to use a silicone spatula as it is gentle on the rice. 3. To make lemon risotto, add 0.5 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice about halfway through the cooking process, and 0.5 teaspoon lemon zest can be added at the end with the Parmigiano and butter. 4. To make saffron risotto, add a pinch of saffron to your stock at the beginning to dissolve before adding the stock to the rice. 4. If you have leftover risotto, use it to make risotto cake.


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