1)肉馅中调入料酒和甜面酱,倒入姜末搅拌均匀后腌制10分钟; 2)将茄子去蒂洗净后带皮切成小段,青红小辣椒切成小片; 3)平底锅中倒入油,待油7成热时放入茄子条,你会发现茄子迅速的把油都吸收了,此时不要再添加油了。当茄子煸炒变软后,油会从茄子中又跑出来一些的。将炒软后的茄子捞出备用; 4)锅中留底油,放入肉馅煸炒至变色,用铲子铲到锅的一侧,用锅中的油将葱末煸炒几下,倒入豆瓣酱和豆豉酱炒出香味后,与肉末混合在一起,再倒入茄子和青红辣椒,翻炒均匀即可。
茄子这种蔬菜非常吃油,餐厅中很多的茄子菜都是先将茄子下油炸透的,家里很少有这样的操作可能性,因此我们可以用平底锅倒一些油,将茄子切成条,半煎半炸; 做茄子的菜放入的油量,要比平时炒其他菜多放一点,茄子却油很不好吃,会有一种生生的味道。当油热后,你倒入茄子时会发现锅中的油马上被吸收了,此时不要继续添加油,因为再煸炒一会儿,待茄子变软之后,那些被茄子先前吸进去的油,又会跑出来一些了; 以前一直使用老干妈的豆豉酱,这次朋友送了2瓶福临门的豆豉酱,里面的豆豉很多,不象很多其他品牌的豆豉酱,里面杂七杂八的东西很多,味道也很正,喜欢吃豆豉酱的筒子们不妨一试; 这道菜及其下饭,请务必少煮米饭,如果你平时是1碗米饭的量,就著这个菜,怎么也得翻倍哈,绝不吹牛。 Stir-fried Aubergine with Mixed Sauce Ingredients: Long aubergine: 2 Pork mince: 100g Little green chili pepper: 2 Little red chili pepper: 2 Finely chopped leek: 1 soupspoon(15g) Finely chopped ginger: 1 soupspoon(15g) Seasonings: Cooking wine: 1 teaspoon(5ml) Sweet soybean paste: 1 soupspoon(15g) Chili bean sauce: 2 soupspoon(15g) Black bean sauce: 1 soupspoon(15g) Directions: 1)Add cooking wine, sweet soybean paste, and finely chopped ginger into the pork mince, mix well then rest for 10 minutes; 2)Remove the pedicels of aubergines and chop into little segments (with skin); Slice the two colours little chili peppers; 3)Pour some oil into a pan, add in the chopped aubergine when the oil is very hot (7/10 heat) (you will see that the aubergine quickly absorb all the oil, but please do not add more oil as when the aubergine is stir-fried and get soft, some oil will comes out), stir-fry the aubergine and take out when it’s soft; 4)Keep the rest oil in the pan, add in the pork mince, stir-fry until its colour changes then leave the mince to one side of the pan; Add the finely chopped leek in, then chili bean sauce and black bean sauce, stir-fry until the smell comes out then mix this sauce mix with the mince; Finally add the chopped green and red chili pepper, stir-fry until evenly mix. Finish