Tuna Rigatoni


Tuna in oil: , onion: , Parmesan cheese: , lemon: , Rigatoni: , rosemary: , tomato: , butter: , extra v olive oil: , pepper: , salt:


1finely slice the onion, simmer the onion slices in melt butter for 5 mins in the pan

2meanwhile, heat the water to boil, season with salt, cook the rigatoni according to the package instruction

3dice the tomato and pick off the rosemary, stir fry with the onions in the pan, simmer with lid on

4drain the oil from the tuna, add them into the the pan

5drain the Rigatoni when done, put into the pan, toss together

6shred Parmesan cheese over the pan, toss again

7season with salt and pepper, and lemon juice

8put on a plate, decorate with rosemary, more cheese shred and a good splash of extra virgin olive oil


Be sure not to get cheap canned tuna like I did here. Not only bad for presentation, also bad for taste...


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