Steak Tartare


Tenderloin steak 裡脊牛排 (all the lean meat: Eg. sirloin): 700g, Pine nuts 松子: 50g, Sesame 芝麻: 少許, Shallot 青蔥: 少許, Red onion, tomato: 隨喜好, Quail egg 鵪鶉蛋: 1個, Truffle oil 松茸油: 少許, Dijon mustard: 隨喜好




3拌入芝麻,松子和松茸油。壓成圓柱形 (可以用aluminium foil 定型)




肉一定要新鮮, 顏色紅嫩;肉丁可以再小一些,壓的時候更結實一些。 松子可以放得更多>.<


  • 和風Tartare
  • 和風Tartare
  • sirlon steak
  • Steak Sandwich
  • Steak Diane
  • chop steak
  • Tartare de saumon
  • 牛排Serrano Steak
  • Steak and Egg
  • 澳洲牛排 Steak
  • 煎牛排 Beef Steak
  • Rib eye Steak 牛排
  • 牛排腌制(steak marinade)
  • 香煎鱈魚(Hake Steaks)
  • Butter-Basted Rib Eye Steaks
  • 炸豬排 Fried Pork Steak
  • 法式黑椒牛排 (Steak au Poivre/Peppercorn Steak)+奪命土豆泥
  • 三文魚塔塔salmon tartare
  • Beef tartare 牛肉塔塔 牛肉韃靼
  • California steak salad with chimichurri dressing
  • Tartare de saumon三文魚配吐司
  • Tartare de saumon三文魚配吐司
  • Grilled T-bone steak, medium rare, smoke-free
  • 美式牛排館風格,超厚牛排porterhouse steak
  • Fish(seasonal)tartare with avocado,corn blini and wasabi creme fraiche
  • Cold smoked salmon tartare 冷熏三文魚塔塔
  • 香煎牛排(steak with caramelized onion and hotel butter)
  • Sirloin Steak & Scrambled Eggs 沙拉牛排 + 西式黃油炒蛋
  • 酥粒戰斧牛排.Crumbed tomahawk steak with minted peas.
  • 黑椒酥皮牛排片 Crusted Black Pepper Steak Slices
  • Flank Steak 切塊牛排配西葫蘆蔬菜丁佐阿根廷香辣醬
  • 黃芥末籽戰斧牛排配烤蔬菜.Yellow mustard seed tomahawk steak with roasted vegetables.
  • 慢烤牛小排配黛安汁 Slow Grilled Beef Short Rib Steak with Sauce Diane