蝦仁小豆腐 Dofu with Prawn


另一個食譜來自yanyanfoodtube的新手下廚,也是我很喜歡的一道菜,相信你也會喜歡的。這道小豆腐很清淡、健康,但不失味道,來自蝦仁的鮮味、油辣子的澆頭,還有蔬菜的新鮮讓這道如此簡單的菜肴變成餐桌上最受歡迎的佳肴,試試吧你會喜歡的。 Another delicious dish from my Yanyanfoodtube Basics menu that is one of my favorites and I』m sure will become one of yours also. A light and very healthy dish, full of flavor from the taste of the prawns to the spicy bite from a topping of Chilli sauce and the fresh taste of vegetables, for such a simple dish it sits very inviting on the dinner table at meal time. Another dish you should give a try.


豆渣 500g 磨豆漿過濾出來的, 茼蒿 200g 切碎, 蝦仁 100g 洗凈控干水分, 大蔥 適量,切片備用, 油、鹽 適量






1.如果朋友們沒的豆渣可以買一塊新鮮豆腐搗碎了用。 2.這個小豆腐拌上油辣子更好吃。 3.如果沒有蝦仁可以換成蛤蜊肉或者大蝦切成小塊用,或者魷魚、墨魚等海鮮類切成小塊來代替蝦仁味道一樣鮮美。


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  • 豆腐蝦仁
  • 蝦仁豆腐
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  • 蝦仁豆腐
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