低卡素食香酥椰片 Vegan coconut chips diary free


椰子片Raw coconut chips: , 肉桂粉 cinnamon: , 黃糖 brown sugar: , 椰子油 coconut oil: , 粉鹽 pink salt:


1熱鍋融化椰子油(在冬天為固態),放入生椰子片(一些海南特產淘寶店可以購買未加工的),翻炒後天然糖會跑出來自然呈現金黃色。 Melt coconut oil if it's solid in winter times. Make sure you stir the saw coconut chips in the pan every 10 second until they release natural sugar and turn brown. My coconut chips are naturally dried and unsweetened.

2轉小火, 加入糖和肉桂,香料可以根據個人喜好調節,一定要加入一些海鹽來提出甜味和香氣。 Turn your heat down. Season your golden chip with sugar and cinnamon. You can add more spices if you want it rich. Don't forget to top with some sea salt or pink salt! This will really bring all the spices out.

3放涼後,就不用怕熱量高放心的吃吧!明天的有氧可以少流點汗了! Let it cool down and enjoy! It's gonna save your sweat at cardio tomorrow.


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