茄汁燴菠菜土豆玉米球(Spinach, Potato and Corn Balls with Tomato Paste)


番茄紅醬:: , 番茄: 三個, 干奧勒岡碎: 1/2小匙, 羅勒: 一小把, 橄欖油: 適量, 鹽: 2/3小匙, 糖: 1/2小匙, 黑胡椒粉: 適量, 蔬菜球:: , 玉米粒: 100克, 土豆: 兩個(約330克), 菠菜: 150克, 全麥麵粉: 100克, 玉米面: 25克, 橄欖油: 1大匙, 鹽: 1小匙, 糖: 1/2小匙








  • 土豆菠菜沙拉 Spinach Salad with Potato
  • 茄汁蔬菜燴鮮蝦 Prawns with Tomato Sauce  
  • 咖喱菠菜烏冬(Curried Udon with Carrot and Spinach)
  • Potato and leek soup with fried parsley
  • 玉米蔬菜沙拉佐油醋汁(Corn and Vegetable Salad with Vinaigrette)
  • 菠菜炒雞蛋 Fried Spinach with Egg
  • ?William、?Leo零食:chicken、dutch cheese、broccoli、corn、and carrot ball
  • 三味紫薯球(Purple Sweet Potato Balls)
  • 嫩菠菜葉葡萄松子沙拉 Spinach Salad with Grapes and Pine Nuts
  • Sausages with mashed potatoes
  • 茄汁玉米
  • 栗子燒土豆(Potato Stewed with Chestnut)
  • 【Let's Brunch!】菠菜番茄蝦仁烤蛋 Spinach Tomato and Shrimp Egg Bake
  • 【魷魚雍菜 Squid and Water Spinach with Sweet sauce】
  • 玉米汁and玉米渣餅
  • 烘烤雞蛋火腿西紅柿(Baked eggs with ham and tomato)
  • 老醋菠菜花生/Vinegar spinach and peanut salad
  • 意式奶酪雙茄 Egg plant with sun dry tomato and goat cheese
  • 涼拌菠菜 Spinach Salad
  • 燒鴨 (Roasted Duck with Christmas Brussels Sprouts and Potatoes
  • 茄汁蝦球
  • 茄汁蝦球
  • 茄汁蝦球
  • ** 茄汁蝦球**
  • 茄汁蝦球
  • Fish(seasonal)tartare with avocado,corn blini and wasabi creme fraiche
  • 茄汁土豆
  • 茄汁燴蚝
  • 茄汁燴菜
  • 茄汁燴丸子
  • 焗烤水煮蛋配菠菜吐司-Poached and gratinated eggs with spinach-
  • pork bones stew with potatoes
  • 茄汁肉丸 Meatballs in Tomato Sauce
  • 南瓜豆渣球 protein balls
  • 玉米茄汁魚