The only muffin recipe you need —-Thermomix



1Mix all ingredients together, approximately 20 sec/ speed 3.  Monitor closely to ensure that all ingredients are well-mixed but make sure not to over-mix.  Don't mix for a second longer than needed.

2Choose filling, such as white choc blueberry, choc banana, apple and cinnamon, etc.  (More variations on fillings are listed below.)  Mix slowly, approximately 5 sec/speed 1

3Divide mixutre into prepare muffin tins and bake at 180C for about 20 minutes.

4Variations To the basic recipe you can add whatever fillings you desire!  Examples included are white choc blueberry and choc banana (which are favourite for my children).  Try a tropicana muffin with fresh mango cubes, diced papaw or pineapple, and shredded coconut. Apple crumble: to basic batter add 150g grated Granny Smith apple, 1tsp cinnamon.  Then top with crumble made from 1/2 cup plain flour, 1/2 cup rolled oats, 1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar, 90g chopped butter. Morning Glory: to basic recipe add 1 grated apple, 1.5 cups muesli, 3 cups grated carrot, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp vanilla essence.


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