Pulled Pork


pork shoulder(butt): 5 lbs, 黃洋蔥: 2, 蒜瓣: 4, 雞湯(chicken stock): 1 cup, 紅糖: 1 tablespoon, kosher salt: 1 tablespoon, chili powder: 1 tablespoon, 茴香粉: 1/2 teaspoon, 肉桂粉: 1/4 teaspoon, 現磨黑椒: 看著擰幾下, ↓BBQ醬↓: Gordon Ramsay的方子, 洋蔥: 1個, 蒜: 3瓣, 海鹽,現磨黑椒: 適量, 紅糖: 1 tablespoon, smoked paprika: 1 teaspoon, cider vinegar: 1 tablespoon, Worcestershire sauce: 2 tablespoons, 番茄醬: 6 tablespoons, 橄欖油: 適量







6BBQ醬:熱鍋橄欖油,下切碎的蒜和洋蔥,加入少量鹽和現磨黑椒調味;加入紅糖,焦糖化後加入smoked paprika;加cider vinegar並收一點汁;加Worcestershire sauce和番茄醬,烹調3分鐘。


8最後夾進sandwich roll/tortilla什麼的都行。


  • Pulled Pork
  • Pulled Pork
  • 炒 Minced Pork + Pork Loin
  • Thai pork neck
  • 烤豬排 pork ribs
  • 魚香肉絲Yuxiang Shredded Pork
  • pork bones stew with potatoes
  • 咕咾肉 Pineapple pork
  • 炸豬排 Fried Pork Steak
  • 柬埔寨高棉菜之amok pork
  • 香烤豬骨 Pork Shoulder
  • 肉末粉絲 Pork with Glass Noodles
  • 烤排骨 Roast Pork Ribs -yanyanfoodtube
  • 肉糜蛋羹/Pork steamed egg custard
  • sticky pork ribs 鑄鐵鍋烤排骨
  • 烤豬扒/spice-rubbed pork chops
  • 蜜汁燉肉honeyed pork stew
  • 焗蜜餞叉燒·Juicy Barbecued Pork
  • Ultimate pork tacos 終極墨西哥豬肉玉米餅
  • 水煮肉片 Sichuan Boiled Spicy Pork
  • 烤豬邊排(Spare Pork Ribs)
  • 綿軟蒜香芝士手撕麵包Pull-apart bread
  • 黃金炸豬扒 Deep-fried Pork Chop
  • 波旁燒烤排骨(Bourbon BBQ pork ribs)
  • Risotto with pork belly and Parmesan cheese cookie
  • 【福建豬肉丸 Hokkian Style Pork Meat balls】
  • 【腐乳燜豬腳 Braised Pork with bean curd】
  • 【梅醬排骨 Plum Sauce with Pork ribs】
  • 五花肉燒素雞 Pork Belly with Dry Tofu
  • 美味【脆皮燒肉 Crispy Roast Pork Belly】
  • 香辣肉絲 Spicy Shredded Pork with Coriander
  • 糖醋里嵴Sweet & Sour Pork
  • 西式烤豬肋排(BBQ PORK RIB)
  • 培根肉卷 Roast Pork filling with Bacon
  • 菠蘿咕咾肉 Sweet and Sour Pineapple Pork