牛蒡1根 土鸡半只 红枣8颗 枸杞20颗 姜1块调料:盐1茶匙(5克)
1)将土鸡洗净。牛蒡去皮切成块,泡入水中(牛蒡的氧化速度比莲藕还要块。不过颜色变黑也别担心,因为煲汤之后,牛蒡的颜色也肯定不是白色的) 2)锅中到入水大火煮沸后,放入鸡焯烫至变色后捞出,锅中的水倒掉不要。姜切成片,或用刀拍散。 3)将焯好的鸡放入砂锅中,一次性倒入足量冷水,大火煮开后,改成中小火,放入姜片,牛蒡,红枣和枸杞,盖上盖子煲2小时,调入盐即可。 超级�嗦: 牛蒡也叫牛蒡根,富含膳食纤维可以促进肠胃蠕动,改善便便的情况,排除体内的毒素,降低胆固醇的吸收。 牛蒡容易失水或木质化,因此买后最好能用报纸包住后放入冰箱冷藏。 **牛蒡含铁量高,削皮后接触空气很容易氧化变黑,切后要马上浸泡在清水中,或在水中加几滴醋来防止氧化,但也别泡的太久。 Burdock, Chinese Date, and Chicken Pot Ingredients: Burdock: 1 Free-range chicken: a half Chinese date: 8 Medlar: 20 Ginger: 1 Seasoning: Salt: 5g Directions: 1)Clean and wash the free-range chicken;Peel off the burdock and chop into pieces, then it’s better to put them under the water to avoid oxidation (the surface will turn to black),however even if been oxidated doesn’t really matter; 2)Pour some water into a soup pot and boil with high-heat;Add the chicken in and blanch it until its colour changes, then take out the chicken and clean out the rest water in the soup pot; Slice the ginger or beat it with cooking knife; 3)Place the blached chicken into the pot and add in all aomunt of the water (i.e. 1000 ml) at a time; Heat the soup over high-heat until boil, then turn to small and medium-heat; Add in ginger slices, burdock pieces, Chinese dates and medlars, cap the pot and cook for about 2 hours; Finally, season the soup with a little salt. Finish