猕猴桃 kiwi: 2个 two, 苹果 apple: 1个 one, 自制冰冻无糖豆浆 home-made cold soymilk without sugar: , 豆浆机/水果机 blender:
1猕猴桃剥皮、苹果切块 Peel skins off the kiwis and apple and chop the latter into small pieces

2把水果放入水果机,然后倒入冰冻豆浆,漫过水果一点即可 Place the fruits into the blender and add just enough soymilk to cover the fruits

3按果汁机按钮 Press the right button
刚好家里剩这几样东西,所以想着不要浪费混在一起试试,效果出奇地好,非常好喝。 The juice is so nice,out of expectation. next time, i will try to make most use of what is available.