Coconut Mango Pudding


coconut milk (unsweetened): 1 can, whole milk: 2 cups, white basmati rice: 1 1⁄3 cup, sugar / 或者红糖: 1⁄3 cup, mangos, peeled and chopped: 2, 1 lime, zest and juice: , 1 tablespoon sugar: , few springs thai basil, leaves removed / or use mint: , 1 cup Thai black sticky rice: , 2 1/4 cup water: , 3 tablespoons coconut milk: , 2 tablespoons sugar: , 3/4 cup Thai jasmine rice (or arborio rice): , 400ml can coconut milk: , 1/2 cup water: , 1 tablespoon vanilla extract: , 1/2 cup raw sugar: , a pinch of salt: , cubes of ripe mango, to serve: , toasted coconut, to serve: , mint leaves, to serve:


1Heat the coconut milk and whole milk until they are just below a boil Add the basmati rice and keep at a low simmer, stirring frequently, until the pudding has thickened and the rice is tender, about 25 minutes Remove from heat and stir in the sugar. Let cool to room temperature and chill in the refrigerator, at least 4 hours. Just before you’re ready to serve, place the mangos, lime zest, lime juice, and sugar in a mixing bowl. Cut the basil into thin strips and add to the mix. Give it all a st

2做黑糯米球 Rinse the Thai black rice and soak overnight in 2 1/4 cups of water. Pour the rice and the water it was soaking in into a rice cooker and add coconut milk and sugar. Stir everything together and turn on the rice cooker. Once cooked, set aside to cool.

3Rice Pudding 2人份 Place rice, coconut milk, water, vanilla extract, salt and sugar in a heavy bottomed saucepan on medium-low heat. Cook, stirring contantly for 20 minutes until it comes to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer uncovered for 40 to 60 minutes. Stir frequently to avoid sticking. The rice should be soft and cooked at this point. Remove from heat and allow to cool completely before chilling in the fridge for a couple of hours. Can also be enjoyed warm. Top with mango cubes, toast


参考菜单 蒸的mango sticky rice thekitchn图文版


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