米 Medium Grain Rice: 80ml, 糯米 Glutinous Rice: 40ml, 薏米 Pearl Barley: 据个人口味增减, 绿豆 Mung Bean: 据个人口味增减, 豆奶 Soymilk(速溶包即可 Instant): 1 包, 燕麦 Oat(速溶包即可 Instant): 1 包, 花瓣 Petal: 若干 A certain amount
1将薏米、绿豆放入水中浸泡5、6个小时, 糯米、大米可浸泡也可不。 Preparation:Soak the pearl barley and mung bean in water lasting for 5 to 6 hours,but the glutinous rice and grain rice are not required to be soaked if having no time to do that.
2将步骤1所有材料放入电饭煲中,加热水至2.5cup 刻度,选择“粥”按钮,请在厨房稍等片刻。 Put all types of rice and beans listed in the last step into the rice cooker, add hot water to the level of "2.5cup", select the button of "porridge/congee". Please wait for several minutes in kitchen for the next step.

3待电饭煲里的水沸腾,加入速溶豆奶、燕麦(小编用的是永和豆浆粉、Quaker燕麦),并用汤勺充分搅拌至其溶开,盖上。接下来就让电饭煲自己工作吧~ Add the instant soymilk powder and oat into the rice cooker when the water inside is boiling,keep stirring adequately until the powder is fully dissolved. Just leave the cooker working by itself.

4电饭煲工作结束,盛在小碗里,用少许新鲜花瓣点缀其中,妥妥的美容养颜粥就完成啦! Pick some petals in the middle of the porridge. It's accomplished successfully!

5Just enjoy your tasty and healthy meal now.

- 水分、糖分都可依据个人口味酌情增减 According to the personal taste and preferences,the amount of water and sugar/honey can be added by yourself. 2.这道粥品整体呈乳白色,所以加绿豆不仅清热爽口,还助于点缀粥色,和加入红艳色花瓣有异曲同工之妙。 The mung bean helps to improve the appearance of the porridge as a result of the overall colour of it is ivory white. And the red petals also work effectively.