Thai Peanut Tofu Buddha Bowl


沙拉部分:: , 豆腐(滤水): 300g, 糙米: 1/2cup, 新鲜香草(香菜/罗勒/薄荷): 2tbsp, 娃娃菜(切半): 6个, 胡萝卜切丝: 1个, 牛油果切片: 1个, 小葱切片(葱白部分): 1个, 黑白芝麻: 1tbsp, 花生碎: 点缀量, 花生沙拉酱部分:: , 花生酱: 3tbsp, 绿柠檬汁: 2tbsp, 是拉差酱: 1tbsp, 日式酱油: 1tbsp, 蒜瓣: 2瓣, 鲜姜: 1/2小块, 枫糖糖浆: 1tsp, 水: 6tsp


1Instructions As early as possible (the day before is perfect), drain the tofu and press as much water out of it as possible. My go-to strategy for doing this is to wrap it in a dish cloth, then set it in the fridge with a heavy plate on top. Cut the tofu into bite-sized cubes. In a blender or food processor, whirl together all the ingredients for the marinade/dressing. Pour it into a jar or other container. Put the tofu cubes in a bowl or resealable bag along with about half of the peanut sauce. Marinate for 30 mins, or overnight for best results.

2Preheat the oven to 400F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Scatter the marinated tofu pieces out onto the parchment in a single layer. Bake for 30 mins or until crispy and golden, flipping after about 15 minutes. Meanwhile cook the rice according to package directions. Lightly steam the bok choy for 2-3 minutes or until bright green and chop all other ingredients as indicated above. When the rice is ready, mix in the fresh herbs and divide it between 2 bowls. Followed with the steamed bok choy, carrots and sliced avocado.

3Distribute the tofu between the two bowls and top with green onion, sesame seeds and crushed peanuts. Drizzle additional peanut sauce on top and serve.


  • 一碗素(又叫佛陀碗,Buddha Bowl)
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  • Peanut Butter Overnight Oats 花生酱隔夜燕麦
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  • Poké Bowl寿司饭
  • 豆腐法式咸派(Tofu Quiche)
  • 豆腐 班尼迪 Tofu Benedict
  • 激辛の麻婆tofu
  • 泰式奶茶(Thai Milk Tea)
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  • 虾仁叻沙[Prawn laksa curry bowl]
  • 豆皮卷(Skin of Tofu Rolls)