材料:, 1) 五花肉切片(一條), 2) 大洋蔥 切塊, 3) 青蔥 一把, 4) 蒜米 少許, 5) 姜 4-5片, 6) 辣椒干 5-6條, 調味料:, 1) 豆瓣醬 1.5 湯匙, 2) 麻油 少許, 3) 耗油 1湯匙, 4) 糖 1/4茶匙 (可加可不加), , Ingredients:, 1) Pork 800g (cut in slices ), 2) Onion (cut in small piece), 3) Shallots , 4) 4 pieces Garlic , 5) 4-5 slices ginger , 6) 5-6 dried chillies, Seasoning:, 1) 1.5 tablespoons bean paste , 2) Sesame oil (few drop), 3) 1 tablespoon Oyster sauce, 5) Sugar, 1/4 teaspoon
1做法: 1) 先爆香姜蒜米和辣椒干, 加入豬肉片拌炒至熟, 加調味料, 除了糖。 2) 全部攪拌均勻後加入青蔥拌炒一下, 試味, 夠味就不需要加糖, 覺得咸就加糖。

2Practice: 1) Saute ginger and garlic and dried chilli, add pork slices and stir until cooked, add seasonings, except sugar. 2) After all mix well add the shallots and stur well, taste it, if feel too salty can add the sugar. Done